Agreement to the terms and conditions for
purchasing services from Adal Tours
Read the conditions for renting a car
Read the conditions when booking a room
Read the conditions when booking a yacht ticket
Read the conditions when booking a helicopter ticket
By booking any of our services, you, the client, automatically accept and agree to all terms of service stated on our website. We strongly recommend that you read these terms and conditions carefully before making a purchase to ensure you fully understand your rights and responsibilities.
Car rental conditions
Requirements for clients
  • from 21 y.o.
  • from 25 y.o.
    Cars of the Sport category
  • from 1 y.o.
international driver's license
You can purchase an international driver's license from us for only 500 AED \ 137 $
Conditions for staying at the Hotel
Conditions of Tours on Yachts
Conditions of Helicopter Tours
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Save on car rentals, park tickets, hotels and private flights for the perfect budget holiday.